Hi Everyone, Bas here! I'm reaching out with this first substack to share some exciting news about MidJourney!
The latest update, V5.1, has been released, and it brings some interesting enhancements. One notable change is that MidJourney has become more opinionated. It now has the ability to generate outputs with less input from users, allowing for shorter prompts to work effectively. This update aims to simplify the interaction process and make it more efficient to use.
If you prefer less influence from MidJourney's opinions, there's also a new feature called Raw mode. This less opinionated setting can be activated by opening the /settings menu and selecting the "RAW'' button. Once enabled, your prompts will be processed in Raw mode, reducing the impact of MidJourney's own opinions. Alternatively, you can add "- style raw" at the end of your prompt to use Raw mode for a single prompt.
To start using V5.1, you can access it through Discord by typing "/settings" and selecting the "V5.1" button in the second row. If you prefer to use the latest version instantly for a single prompt, simply add "- v 5.1" at the end of your prompt.
Here are the other key improvements made in V5.1:
Enhanced coherence for smoother outputs.
Improved accuracy in response to text prompts.
Reduction of unwanted borders and text artifacts.
Sharper image quality, enhancing the overall visual experience.
Version 6.0
Looking ahead, there's already talk about the future release of V6.0. While we don't have a specific timeframe for its arrival, there are exciting possibilities on the horizon. It's anticipated that V6.0 will include an upscaler to increase image resolutions up to 2048 x 2048. Additionally, there might be advancements in better understanding prompts and potential incorporation of 3D modelling, generating even more creative opportunities for users.
Loads of information.. Anyway if you’d like to get to know more about the actual output v5.1 generates, watch this video from Matt Wolfe where he explains in detail what the impacts are.
Stay tuned for more updates!